- Indoors/Outdoors
- steel
- Aluminum
- Iron
- Galvanized iron
How to apply?
- Painting brush
- Roller
- Air-less gun
- Air-mix gun
- Aerographic gun
- Low preasure turbo
- Not apply on supports wet by the low nocturnal temperatures (matinal dew), nor reheated since it can affect the quality short and long term of the product. - Maximum Time of storage: 24 months from its manufacture in its perfectly closed original package, under cover and to temperatures between 5º and 35ºC. - Consult and to fulfill the NORMS OF FORCED FULFILLMENT MARKED BY the CEE EFFECTIVE LEGISLATION for COMMERCIALIZATION. - Fulfill the norms marked by indicated the EFFECTIVE LEGISLATION OF the EEC in the package. - Given to the great variety of plastic supports and alloys (galvanized, covered with lead, zincados…), the accomplishment of a previous to confirm the correct properties of the product on the support is advisable.
Metallic new supports: - Eliminate oxide and husks lamination by means . - Eliminate fats and to take the grease out of. - Eliminate old painting badly adhered.
- Verify that the support is well dry. Galvanized and light metals: - Take out perfectly the grease and verify adhesion. Restauracion y Mantenimineto:
- Eliminate presence of oxides and strange products by means of the habitual procedures. - Apply on clean and dry substrata, eliminating the dirt by means of desengrasantes or detergents and clean water. - Since a defect of adhesion between the previous hands is possible, the elimination of the old hands by means of pickling, blasting or other means is recommended.
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