Treatment for damp from filtration in walls and roofs

16 octubre 2017

Damp is a very common issue, particularly in old buildings or those that have been badly conserved. It is very likely that the damp that occurs in the interior part of the façade or the roof of a building is caused by filtration of rain water through sections that have not been sealed properly.

  • In this case, we will see that during rainy periods the devastating effects of damp become more obvious:
  • Stains on walls and ceilings
  • Bad smells
  • The presence of mould
  • Water inside the home
  • Salt residue on walls and ceilings

The water that filters through badly-sealed cracks and crevices in façades and roofs can lead to much worse problems that affect structural elements, such as pillars and beams, which can cause their resistance capacity to be reduced in the presence of damp, thus putting the stability of the building at risk.

All of that in addition to the health and hygiene problems that mould can cause within the home, especially for children, the elderly and people with allergies.

And now we will explain how to treat the problem of damp from water filtration in walls and roofs. Keep reading!

What are the main causes of damp from water filtration?

It can be caused by several different factors, but the most common are usually the following:

  • Cracks in roofs, façades and dividing walls.
  • Defects in the waterproofing treatments in the roof.
  • Poorly sealed gaps in the fa­çade, such as doors and windows
  • Wear and tear of existing roof and façade cladding waterproofing


Solutions for damp in walls

Making an initial correct diagnosis in order to select the most appropriate treatment and apply it to the first signs of the appearance of damp, is fundamental for carrying out the work successfully and avoiding the most serious consequences caused by this pathology.

We should start by locating the point where the water filtration has been produced and to do this we would need to inspect the façade/roof in the zones closest to the damp stains or flaking that have appeared on the inside of the building:

  • Frames of windows and exterior doors.
  • False ceilings on the top floor of the home
  • Joints between the false ceiling and closure of the façade
  • Basement walls in contact with the ground

Once the water filtration points have been located in the façade or roof, we should proceed with repairing them by following the method below:

  1. Once located, open the cracks and crevices in the form of a “V” until you reach the healthy substrate.
  2. Clean the surface until it is free of any substance that could affect its adherence
  3. Refill the cleaned opening with an elastic filler. Plasmont Fibra Elástico is an ideal filler for this task since, as well as having a high level of elasticity, it incorporates shards of glass that reinforce its reparatory qualities.
  4. Once repaired, apply the new waterproofing system on the clean and dry surface. For this we would recommend that you apply an appropriate waterproof elastic coating to the surface that you are going to coat:
  5. Roofs: Tejamont Top Cover is a perfect solution for waterproofing terraces and roofs, since that, in addition to forming a completely waterproof and continuous membrane, it maintains its elastic properties even in extreme temperatures (-20 to 60 degrees).
  6. Roofs: Ovaldine Elástic is a treatment that not only offers the properties of Tejamont Top Cover, but is also specially designed to be applied on roofs and it is available in all of the 528 colours that Pinturas Montó offers, with a guarantee of resistance to outdoor conditions.
  7. Finally, we should proceed with cleaning and reparation of the walls and ceilings that are damaged internally, by removing the damaged paint and coating and filling the imperfections, should it be necessary to finish applying the specific products, such as anti-damp or anti-stain paints, that prevent the reappearance of problems caused by damp.

These are the key tips and solutions that a professional painter would provide us with in order to keep rooms free of damp and from damage caused by stains and the mould that we fear so much.

Don’t take any chances, protect your house against damp!

Need more information? Don’t hesitate to contact us, we will be delighted to help you.