- Indoors
- Construction
How to apply?
- Painting brush
- Roller
- Air-less gun
- Air-mix gun
- Aerographic gun
- Low preasure turbo
Blend and homogenise in the prescribed conditions, leaving the mixture to rest for about 5 minutes.
Apply to new bases that are well-dried, repaired, and free from any foreign products.
Do not apply at temperatures below 15ºC, or at relative humidities of over 75%.
Do not apply in high temperatures, or to overheated surfaces.
Humidity of flooring: maximum of 4% measured at a depth of 2cm.
Floors: It is essential to prepare it correctly. Wait until completely set (minimum 30 days). Remove any efflorescence. Paving must be repaired, clean, dry and screeded if necessary. Grease and oils must be completely removed. The right porosity for the pavement is achieved by quarry facing or abrasive blasting, although in some cases a 15- 20% solution of caustic soda followed by rinsing and neutralisation with hydrochloric acid and a later washing with plenty of water is sufficient. In moderately porous floors, a simple chemical treatment with hydrochloric acid followed by rinsing with plenty of water may be sufficient. In case of doubt, please enquire. Restauracion y Mantenimineto:
Remove any old paint in bad condition or that has come unstuck using traditional methods of mechanical (quarry facing or abrasive blasting) or chemical (Universal Stripper) stripping.
If the surface is shiny, satin or has excessively closed pores, it must be dulled down.
In any event, make sure that the adhesion between old, well-anchored paint and new paint is perfect, and that the adhesion of the old paint to the substrate is not reduced. If, after checking, we observe that adhesion is faulty, it is recommended that you remove the paints by stripping, blasting or by other means.
After verifying adhesion, continue with the normal procedure indicated for new bases.
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