- Outdoors/Indoors
- Wood
- For maximum protection, finish in colour.
- Enhances the topcoat application
- Use for general public
- Specially recomended for mountain and coastal areas
How to apply?
- Painting brush
- Air-less gun
- Air-mix gun
- Aerographic gun
- Low preasure turbo
Apply to clean and dry substrates.
It is recommended to paint a witness of the complete system, to be able to appreciate well the color that will be obtained at the end of the process. Due to the nature of the substrate and type of substrate, the color is only indicative on the color charts (1 hand).
If the color is too intense on the first coat, diluting more will increase the differences in the wood grain.
If you want to lower the intensity of the color, it is better to mix the color with transparent, or lower the percentage of colorant in the tinting machine.
For the final result, keep in mind that it must be finished with Montoxyl Lasure Acqua, preferably colored as well.
Sand beforehand to guarantee a good penetration and leveling on the wood.
Apply following the recommended dilutions in the Application Systems section.
Do not apply the product at high temperatures, or on surfaces exposed to strong sunlight.
Maintain good ventilation conditions during drying time.
Do not apply with relative humidity higher than 80%
New woods:
1. Outside, protect the wood with Anticarcomas Klearxyl Di from the attack of fungi and xylophagous insects.
2. The support must be free of foreign products and / or residues.
3. Apply on wood with a moisture content of less than 20%.
4. Apply on healthy wood, well degreased, dust-free and dry.
5. If the wood shows signs of aging, it must be sanded beforehand, removing the entire gray surface and removing the dust by brushing or any other mechanical means. Restauracion y Mantenimineto:
Varnished or painted woods: - If they have been varnished with Montoxyl color: Remove foreign products, remove areas that are poorly adhered or in poor condition, sand lightly, remove the dust resulting from sanding and proceed as with new wood. - If they have been varnished with closed pore varnishes such as Universal Matte Synthetic Varnish (cod. 1350), Satin, or Glossy, Sailboat Varnish, High Mountain Varnish or similar, remove by stripping with Quitamont Universal or by mechanical means and proceed as on wood new .
. - If they have been varnished with cellulosic or polyurethane varnishes, remove by stripping with Quitamont Universal or by mechanical means and proceed as on new wood. - If they have been enameled with synthetic enamel (Montosintétic, Marisma, luxatín or similar) remove by stripping with Quitamont Universal or by mechanical means and proceed as on new wood.
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