Transparent satin water-based polyurethane varnish for varnishing woods in indoors when a good rub resistance and resistance to detergents is desired.

12 - 16 m²/L
Drying time
1-2 hours
4L 0.75L


  • Indoors
  • Wood
  • Parquet

How to apply?

  • Painting brush
  • Roller
  • Air-less gun
  • Air-mix gun
  • Aerographic gun
  • Low preasure turbo


Base: Transparent
Stir the product until perfectly blended.
Apply on clean and dry substrates.
Apply following the recommended dilutions as described in the Application Systems section.
Sand before application to ensure good penetration and smoothing on the wood.
Do not apply the product at high temperatures or on surfaces exposed to strong sunlight.
Ensure good ventilation while product is drying.
Do not apply with relative humidity over 80%.
Humidity of flooring: maximum of 4% measured at a depth of 2cm.
Soporte Nuevo:
New woods. The surface must be free from foreign products and/or residues. Apply to wood with a moisture content of less than 20%. Apply to healthy, grease-fee, dust-free and dry wood. Sand and remove any remnants of glue from the joints and faults from machining. If the wood shows signs of ageing it must first be sanded down and any dust removed using a plane or other mechanical device. Restauracion y Mantenimineto:
Varnished or painted woods: - If the wood has been varnished with Montoxyl colour (code 1300): remove foreign products, remove any loose or peeling varnish, lightly sand, remove dust from sanding and proceed as on new woods. - If the wood has been varnished with closed pore varnishes such as Barniz Sintético Universal Mate (code 1350), Satinado (code 1360), Brillante (code 1370) Barniz Velero (code 1380), Barniz Alta Montaña (code 1385) or similar, remove by stripping with Quitamont Universal (code 3510) or by mechanical means, and proceed as on new woods. - If the wood has been varnished with cellulose or polyurethane varnishes, remove by stripping with Quitamont Universal (code 3510) or by mechanical means, and proceed as on new woods. - If the wood has been enamelled with synthetic enamel (Montosintétic (code 2020, code 2024), Marisma (code 2010, code 2014), Luxatín (code 2028) or similar), remove by stripping with Quitamont Universal (code 3510) or by mechanical means, and proceed as on new woods.
Stir the product until perfectly blended.
Apply on clean and dry substrates.
Apply following the recommended dilutions as described in the Application Systems section.
Sand before application to ensure good penetration and smoothing on the wood.
Do not apply the product at high temperatures or on surfaces exposed to strong sunlight.
Ensure good ventilation while product is drying.
Do not apply with relative humidity over 80%.


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