Two-component satin white polyurethane finish, with good filling capacity and coverage, fast-drying.
12 - 14 m²/L
Drying time
15-20 min
25K 5K


  • Indoors
  • Wood
  • Product for exclusive use in industries regulated by Directive 2010/75 Chapter V.

How to apply?

  • Painting brush
  • Air-less gun
  • Air-mix gun
  • Aerographic gun


NCS, Ral, Montoxyl, Wood 75, 2024, 720
-Stir product completely.
- Mixed up within given proportions.
-Do not apply product in layers too thick which may exceed 90 wet micres per coat.
-No sandpapering is necessary between coats, but it is advisable in the case of wood prone to raise hair or to ensure a good adherence level.
-Always sandpaper before applying finishing coat.
-Do not apply product at high temperatures or on overheated surfaces exposed to sunshine.
-Keep room well ventilated while product is drying.
-Do not apply when moisture content is 80%.
-Ensure that CATALIZADOR MONTOPOL MS is totally transparent before performing mixture.
-For porous wood, dilute the product so it penetrates the pore and so that bubbles do not appear.
- Sand down and remove any remains of glue in joints and defects from mechanical processes.
-Minimum time given between coats must be observed to avoid brittle surfaces.
-Maximum time given between coats must be observed at all times.
Soporte Nuevo:
- New wood:
- The base must be free from foreign materials and/or waste matter.
- Apply to wood with a moisture content of less than 12%.
- Apply to healthy wood that is dry and free from grease and dust.
- Sand down and remove any remains of glue in joints and defects from mechanical processes.
- If the wood shows signs of aging must be pre-sanded and removing dust by brushing or other mechanical means. Restauracion y Mantenimineto:
- Varnished or painted wood:
- If the wood has been varnished with varnishes or paints that have been diluted with white spirit, turpentine, imitation turpentine or solvents for synthetics and oils, these must be removed using a universal stripper or by employing mechanical means, until the new wood is reached.
- In case of doubt, remove previous varnish.
- If it is applied to polyurethane varnish, sand to open the pore, remove the resulting dust using a brush and re-varnish.
- In any case, check the adhesion on the previous varnish, and in case of doubt, remove it.
- If silicone-based domestic cleaning products have been used for maintenance, it is advisable to sand the wood until they have been completely removed.


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