Water paint for facades, it provides very appreciated finish by his slight harshness, with great adhesion. Raincoat and transpirable. To emphasize its extraordinary whiteness and covering.
6 - 9 m²/L
Drying time
30-60 min
12L 15L 4L


  • Outdoors/Indoors
  • Facades
  • Cement
  • Cement mortars
  • Lime Mortars
  • Primer for the Muros Medit. Capri application

How to apply?

  • Painting brush
  • Roller
  • Air-less gun
  • Air-mix gun
  • Aerographic gun
  • Low preasure turbo


- Shake the product until perfect homogenization.
- Dilute the product based on the porosity and state of the support in undercoat.
- To end one or more coats slightly diluted until the total covering of the support.
- Not apply the product to inferior temperatures to 5º C nor in exposed surfaces to a strong insolation.
- Avoid the excessively humid days and the application to high temperatures of the support.
Soporte Nuevo:
Cement mortars:
1. Hope until forged total (mín 30 days).
2. Clean the possible eflorescencias with abrasive spurt.
3. Neutralize the alkaline surfaces.
4. Polished surfaces: to sandpaper ( open pore).
5. Clean all strange product on support.
6. Fix the weak supports by means of suitable fixing primer (to see family 6).
7. Fill the defects of the support (to see family 6).
1. Wait until very dry (máx, 20% of humidity).
2. Clean all strange product on support.
3. Clean the possible eflorescencias with abrasive spurt.
4. Regulate the absorptions of the support with primer or a diluted coat of same product.
5. In polished surfaces, to sandpaper (to open pore).
6. Fix the weak supports with suitable fixing primer (to see family 6).
7. Fill the defects of the support (to see family 6) Restauracion y Mantenimineto:
1. Eliminate totally old paintings in badly state or badly adhered.
2. The shining surfaces must be clarified, to make sure a good adhesion.
3. In painted supports you must verify the solidity and anchorage of the painting, to diagnose his nature to avoid possible incompatibilidades and eliminate the dust and the dirt before being paints.
4. Fill with plaste the defects of the support (to see in family 6).
5. Deal with Montolimp the supports with mould.



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