Products for eliminating woodworm, and application methods

04 agosto 2017

As everyone knows, one of the main enemies of wood, and in particular the furniture that decorates our homes, are those little bugs that make holes throughout the wood and cause us so much panic: woodworms.

  • Woodworm is the common name for the larva of various species of beetles that perforate wood to make tunnels inside and cause damage, producing a characteristic dust, or sawdust, also called kera.

They are xylophagans, that is to say, insects that feed on wood in their larval stage, and there are various types of woodworm.

The plague of woodworm in buildings and furniture is easy to recognise, but more by the holes and sawdust they leave behind, rather than by the sight of the insect itself.

Once we have located the pieces of furniture that have been damaged by the woodworm, we have to do everything we can to rid them of these little bugs, and stop them from coming back.

The first stage, as we have mentioned previously, is to figure out which pieces of furniture or wood have been damaged by the woodworm.

Once we have figured out which pieces of furniture have been damaged, the first thing we have to do is dismantle them, so we can access every part, and thus eliminate the woodworm completely.

In order to eliminate this problem completely, which can make our furniture completely unsalvageable, we have to inject a specific anti-woodworm product with the help of a syringe.

This is the most common method of woodworm elimination, since it can be done at home and is very effective against these bugs.

For the maximum effect, the product needs to be inserted into every hole in the wood, to fill them completely. If the furniture is to be repainted and restored, you can paint the entire surface with the anti-woodworm product, and thus achieve maximum efficiency.

Remember that if you are working with strong products, it is advisable to make sure that your workspace is properly ventilated.

Once the furniture has been painted and the holes have been filled by the product, you should wrap it completely in plastic and tape it well, so air cannot enter and the product can work to maximum efficiency.

The process can seem a bit slow, as once you have applied the anti-woodworm product and wrapped the furniture completely you have to wait several days for the product to take effect, for those ghastly bugs to be completely eliminated.

After the long wait we can unwrap our furniture again to begin the restoration process.

We then need to sand it and protect it from future woodworm attacks.

There is a product that has been designed specifically for wood that has been attacked by woodworm: ANTICARCOMA KLEARXYL DI, that protects our furniture and wood from future woodworm attacks. As well as being an anti-woodworm treatment, certified as effective, it is also a powerful protective treatment against other factors that can damage wood, such as fungus, and provides full protection.

Once our wood has been protected against these destructive bugs, we have to decide if we want to fill in the holes that the woodworm has left, or if we’d rather leave them as they are, since it is becoming more and more popular to leave defects in wood visible.

If we have decided to repair the holes, we just have to fill them with a paste that matches the colour of wood, and once it is dry, sand off the excess so we can apply the treatment and afterwards the varnish, or our finishing product of choice.

The ANTICARCOMA KLEARXYL DI product works with all types of wood, whether it be new or old.

It can be used just as effectively outside as inside, but if it is being used outside, it is only suitable for wood classified as a level 3 risk, which means wood for outside use which doesn’t come into direct contact with water or the ground.

Once this product has been used the wood should be varnished, and finishing products adhere perfectly to this product.

PINTURAS MONTÓ provides the user with an extensive technical product index in which we can see the properties of the product, as well as its uses, its composition and its application method.

If you are interested in finding out more about the restoration and reparation of wood, we would recommend that you visit our blog regularly.