Water-based epoxy paint for indoor use in health or food facilities, with two components, for paintingwalls directly or walls with woven fibreglass reinforcing, also for fixed drinking water tanks.
4 - 6 m²/L
Drying time
1-2 hours
12L 4L


  • Indoors
  • Cement
  • Concrete

How to apply?

  • Painting brush
  • Roller
  • Air-less gun
  • Air-mix gun
  • Aerographic gun


-Performing operations tinting and homogenization of part A before adding the catalyst. Mix 2-components in the indicated proportions, using a high speed stirrer, until homogeneous. -Homogenize both products. Part-Mix thoroughly and let stand Catalyst + at least 5 minutes. -Dilute to application viscosity. -Apply at temperatures above 15 ° C. -On the fiberglass mesh Montoepox primed with Montoepox Aqua sanitario, to remove and regulate repelo porosity, finish 2-3 coats of Montoepox Aqua Sanitario. -Make the filling after setting all Product (minimum 7 days).
- It is not suitable for use in direct contact with food.
- Humidity of flooring: maximum of 4% measured at a depth of 2cm.

New Substrate:

Cement Mortars:

  1. Wait for complete curing (minimum 30 days).

  2. Clean any possible efflorescence with abrasive blasting.

  3. Neutralize alkaline surfaces.

  4. For polished surfaces: sand to open the pores.

  5. Clean the substrate from foreign substances.

  6. Secure friable substrates with Fixing Emulsion or Fixamont.

  7. Fill defects in the substrate (see family 6).Plaster:

  8. Wait until it is completely dry (max 20% humidity).

  9. Clean the substrate from foreign substances.

  10. Clean any possible efflorescence with abrasive blasting.

  11. Adjust the substrate's absorbency with a sealer, Fixing Emulsion, or a thinned coat of the same product.

  12. For polished surfaces: sand to open the pores.

  13. Secure friable substrates with Fixing Emulsion or Fixamont.

  14. Fill defects in the substrate (see family 6).Restoration and Maintenance:


  1. Completely remove old, deteriorating, or poorly adhered paints.

  2. Glossy surfaces should be dulled to ensure good adhesion.

  3. On painted substrates, verify the strength and adhesion of the paint, diagnose its nature to prevent potential incompatibilities, and remove dust and dirt before repainting.

  4. Fill defects in the substrate with putty (see the corresponding lines in the PREPARATION OF SUBSTRATES family for powdered putties and ready-made fillers for making an appropriate selection).

  5. Treat substrates with mold with Montolimp fungicide or rust with Montorrustic mold cleaner.


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