- Outdoors/Indoors
- Metal
How to apply?
- Painting brush
- Roller
- Aerographic gun
- Low preasure turbo
-Follow guidelines as shown in table below.
-Only apply on clean and dry surfaces, clean off any dirt by using clean water and detergents.
-New wood should be previously primed with Montoxyl Fondo (ref. 1301) to prevent surface from fungus and harmul bacteries.
-Do not apply product at high temperatures or overheated surfaces exposed to sunshine.
-Keep room well ventilated while product is drying.
-Do not apply when moisture contents it over 80%.
New wood:
1. The base must be free from foreign materials and/or waste matter.
2. Apply to wood with a moisture content of less than 20%.
3. Apply to wood which is healthy, dry and free from grease and dust.
4. Sand down and remove any remnants of glue from the joints and defects from mechanical process.
5. If the wood shows signs of ageing it must first be sanded down, primed and any dust removed using a plane or any othermechanical device.
6. In this instance the most suitable primer is the Selladora Sellalux.
Iron and its derivatives:
1. To protect the material, prior to decorating, treat with suitable primers (family 6) following the specifications given on thecard.
2. To decorate the material it must be free from foreign materials and/or waste matter and should be dry and free fromgrease and dust. If it shows signs of rusting, the rust should be removed using a planing machine or any other mechanicaldevice. Also suitable for use is Oxifín (see technical record).
Plaster work (plaster/ gypsum, cement and derivatives):
1. Treat these mediums in the usual way, removing saltpetre, excess moisture and efflorescence.
2. Remove foreign materials and/or waste matter.
3. Once dry, prime using Sellalux Primer. Restauracion y Mantenimineto:
Wood, plaster and painted or varnished by-products:
If they have been varnished with Montoxyl Colour, remove off foreign products and areas in bad condition, sandpaper slightly, remove resulting dust and treat as per new wood.
-If they have been varnished, apply a stripping product such as Quitamont Universal or use a mechanical system and proceed as per new wood. -If they have been enamelled with synthetic enamel (Montosintetic, Marisma, Luxatin or similar, sandpaper to open pore, remove resulting dust and proceed as per new wood. -Iron and enamelled by-products:
-Paints in good condition should be sandpaper to open pore and adherence level checked.
-Paints in bad condition should be removed by mechanical systems or chemical products, proceeding then as per new surfaces.
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