Universal primer that provides excellent adhesion and improves and optimises the subsequent finish.Easy to repaint with most products, it can be applied on a wide range of surfaces.
Drying time
15 min.


  • Outdoor/Indoor
  • Wood
  • Ceramic
  • Metal


Shake the container vigorously for about 2 minutes to homogenise its contents perfectly.
Carry out application tests in a non-visible place.
Protect areas that are not to be painted.
Apply at a distance of 25-30cm from the surface in light, criss-cross strokes.
Do not apply the product at high temperatures, or on surfaces exposed to strong sunlight.
Maintain good ventilation conditions during the drying time.
Do not apply while the relative humidity is above 80%.
Do not use at temperatures below 15ºC.
When finished, empty the contents of the cannula by dosing with the container upside down.
Approximate yield per 400ml container 0,7 - 0,8 m2 (two cross-coats)
Soporte Nuevo:
New woods:
-The surface must be free of foreign products and/or residues.
-Apply on wood with a moisture content lower than 12%.
-Apply on healthy wood, well degreased, dust-free and dry.
-Sand and remove possible glue residues on assemblies and machining faults.
-If the wood shows signs of ageing, it must be previously sanded and the dust removed by brushing or any other mechanical means.
-Protect the areas that we do not want to paint.
-Eliminate, in general, products that are poorly adhered or in poor condition.
Iron, derived metals and other metals-The surface must be free of foreign products and/or residues.
-The surface must be degreased, clean and dry.
-On rusty surfaces, we must eliminate the rust by the usual means recommended by Montó with any rust inhibitor manufactured by our Company, which should be applied in advance.
-We must protect the areas that we do not want to paint.
-Eliminate, in general, products that are poorly adhered or in poor conditionWorks (plaster, cement and derivatives, cardboard):
-Eliminate foreign products and/or residues.
-The surface must be degreased, clean and dry.
-Eliminate possible efflorescence using traditional methods.
-Eliminate, in general, products that are poorly adhered or in poor condition. Restauracion y Mantenimineto:
Varnished or painted wood:
-Always check the adhesion on the previous varnish or paint and, if in doubt, remove it.
-If in doubt, remove the previous varnish or paint-If silicone-based household cleaning products have been used during maintenance, it is advisable to polish the wood until they are completely eliminated.
Iron and enamelled derivatives:
1. On paints in good condition, sand to open the pore, checking that the adherence is perfect.
2. On paints in bad condition, remove it by mechanical or chemical means and proceed as if it were a new surface.


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