Protective water base for all types of wood. Penetrates and highlights veins. The combination of Crea Impregnante Coloreado and an exterior finish offers maximum protection against solar radiation and durability of the wood. To repaint with lasures to the water. Improves adhesion, evens absorptions and improves the appearance of the finish, increasing its performance. Low odor. Indoor / outdoor use.
10 - 15 m²/L
Drying time
(20ºC HR: 60%):Aprox. 30 min.
10L 0.5L 2.5L


  • Outdoors/Indoors
  • Exotic woods and rich in tannins in general.
  • Recommended in high mountain and coastal areas for porous finishes, repaintable with water-based woodstain.
  • Wood staining

How to apply?

  • Painting brush
  • Roller
  • Air-less gun
  • Air-mix gun
  • Aerographic gun
  • Dipping


Pine, Oak, Walnut, Rosewood, Chestnut, Teak, Mahogany.They can be mixed to get new colors. The Colorless, recommended to reduce the intensity of the desired tone.
- Apply on clean and dry substrates.
- Apply following the dilutions recommended in the Application Systems section.
- Pre-sand to guarantee a good penetration and leveling on the wood.
- Do not apply the product at high temperatures, or on surfaces exposed to strong insolation.
- Maintain good ventilation conditions during the drying time.
- Do not apply with relative humidity higher than 80%.
Soporte Nuevo:
New woods:
- Outdoors, protect the wood with Klearxyl Di Anticarcomas from attack by fungi and xylophagous insects.
- Apply on wood with a moisture content of less than 20%.
- Apply on healthy, well-degreased, dust-free and dry woods.
- Sand and eliminate possible glue residues in the assemblies and machining failures.
- If the wood shows signs of aging, it must be previously sanded and dust removed by brushing or any other mechanical means. Restauracion y Mantenimineto:
Varnished or painted woods:
- Outdoors, protect the wood with Klearxyl Di Anticarcomas from attack by fungi and xylophagous insects.
- If they have been varnished with lasur, sand lightly and remove dust. Proceed like new wood.
- If they have been varnished, remove badly adhered or poorly maintained areas by pickling or mechanical means, remove the dust resulting from sanding and proceed as on new woods.
- If they have been varnished with cellulose or polyurethane varnishes, remove by pickling or by mechanical means, remove sanded dust and proceed as on new woods.
- If they have been enameled with synthetic enamel, remove by pickling or by mechanical means, remove dust and proceed as on new woods.



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