Sealer primer, based on solvent-free epoxy resin. For application on cementitious substrates.

Suitable for painting concrete, cement, fiber cement floors, etc.
Drying time
5-8 hours at 20ºC


  • Suitable for painting concrete, cement, fiber cement floors, etc.
  • For painting floors in parking lots and industrial floors.
  • Prior to conventional, multilayer, and self-leveling painting systems.
  • Can be sprinkled with aggregate to create a granulated base that, after applying the finish, allows for surfaces with some roughness.
  • Can be tinted with product 783852 SOLVENT PIGMENT. Max. 2%.
  • Can be mixed with aggregate to create filling mortars for repairing pits and cracks.
  • Sealer primer to finish epoxy and polyurethane systems.
  • Professional use.


Translucent colorless.


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