Ready-to-use putty, free of cement, specially designed for exteriors, particularly recommended for repairs where quick repainting is necessary. It does not produce saltpeter or stains on the coating. Finish is like cement mortar.

Drying time
12-24 hours
20K 5K




Ladriyeso walls or other materials prone to leaving marks or stains when painted


Supports with porosity

How to apply?



Grey 7032

  • Once the surface is restored, moisten it with water and immediately apply.

  • Important: Shortly before it dries to the touch, pass a damp sponge to equalize the final appearance of the mortars, using the typical swirling system.

  • Use the tools indicated in the application system, clean and deoxidized.

  • Repaint once the indicated time has elapsed. Since this depends on humidity, temperature, and layer thickness, the touch will indicate that the product is ready to proceed.

New Support:

Cement mortar, plaster, or porous brick:

  • Check the suitability of the putty on the support.
  • Wait until the support is completely cured.
  • Clean the support of possible efflorescence, as well as neutralize alkaline surfaces.
  • On excessively polished surfaces, sand to open the pore.
  • Clean the support of foreign substances and residues.
  • Open possible cracks or fissures to a sound base, eliminating the dust produced with a brush, and apply the putty or plaster as indicated in the Application Systems and Application sections.
  • Never exceed the recommended maximum layer thickness.

Restoration and Maintenance:

  • Remove foreign substances poorly adhered or in poor condition from the support.
  • Open the pore if closed, using sanding or another mechanical means.
  • Check adhesion and treat as if it were a new support.


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