Uno Zero: protect what matters most with the lowest-emission paint on the market

17 febrero 2021

Uno Zero is a revolutionary product from Pinturas Montó: a sanitising matt paint with a number of special features, designed to protect the room where it is applied and the health of the people inside.

Throughresearch and innovation, Pinturas Montó has managed to improve the classicversion of the Uno Mate product and create a new product that maintains theoriginal properties, with the addition of aprotective system to preserve the home and improve people's wellbeing.


Silverions preserve thedry paint film by controlling microbial deterioration and algae growth, thusprotecting the painted surface and maintaining its initial properties.. Thissanitising action is effective throughout the life of the paint.


Uno Zero isalso available in a wide range of colours to suit all tastes.


The solution to all your customers' most common objectionsin one single product.


In the paintingsector, professionals must respond to all the demands and preferences of theircustomers and are sometimes forced to combine several products and increasecosts in order to offer an optimal solution. With Uno Zero, you can provide asolution to all the following objections:


"We livein a very humid area and we don't want to have to repaint every so oftenbecause of damp."


ZEROMOHO -The silver ions in Uno Zero paint provide protection against mould and mildew,preventing the appearance of stains and bacteria that affect the finish and arevery harmful to health. It is the perfect paint for humid spaces with poor ventilation,such as kitchens, bathrooms, basements, dressing rooms, etc.


"I don'twant the house to smell strongly of paint."


ZEROOLOR - UnoZero paint is manufactured with odourless components, resulting in a paint thatdoes not smell like paint. So your customers will be able to go about theirlives at home even when it is freshly painted.


"We areconcerned that paint emissions could affect asthmatic members of ourfamily."


ZEROEMISIONES -After drying, paints usually release substances that can be harmful to thehealth of people with asthma or allergies, as well as children or elderlypeople. Uno Zero, however, is manufactured with substances that generate hardlyany emissions.


All theseproperties have allowed it to obtain an A+ certificate for maximum quality anda low-emission certificate, in accordance with French regulations, and itoffers the lowest emissions on the market.


Where can I use Uno Zero?


This product isideal for rooms and enclosed spaces, since it is beneficial for the people wholive there. As such, UnoZero is perfect for homes, hospitals, day care centres, care homes, gyms andany centres where people live together.


Uno Zero isalso an all-purpose paint, suitable for all types of substrates and buildingsurfaces: plaster, gypsum, etc.


Protectwhat is most important and offer quality, safety and a perfect, long-lastingfinish with Uno Zero paint from Pinturas Montó.