Elastic waterproofing paint for surfaces to be walked on to a limited extent. Continuous, antifissures, micro porous, lavable and stable to extreme temperatures (from -20 to 60 ºC). For guarantee it is essential the mesh use. It is recommended to use the PRIMER waterproofing
Semi Matt
1,4 - 2 m²/L
Drying time
4-6 hours
12L 15L 4L 0.75L


  • Outdoor
  • Cement mortars
  • Brick
  • Catalan tile
  • Asphalt fabric
  • Sprayed polyurethane

How to apply?

  • Painting brush
  • Roller
  • Air-less gun
  • Air-mix gun
  • Aerographic gun
  • Low preasure turbo


White 102, red 152, green 128, grey 189, teja 554
- Clean the surface, getting rid of any dirt, moss, mildew, etc. and wash with clean, uncontaminated water.
- Stir the product until perfectly blended.
- Do not apply the product at temperatures below 5 ºC or above 35 ºC. Do not apply if there is a risk of imminent rain and make sure the base is completely dry. The temperature of the base should be above 5 °C to prevent it from freezing.
Cement mortars:
- Do not begin the treatment before having checked that the cement base is completely dry. The hygrometer-measured humidity value must never be above 10%.
- Apply Fijamont as necessary, properly diluted and in sufficient quantity to completely seal the base and prevent alkalinity from reaching the Tejamont Top Cover. It is always highly recommendable to then apply a first coat of Primer Impermeabilización to improve adhesion and facilitate the incorporation of the fibreglass grid. Apply a coat of Tejamont Top Cover after 4-6 hours. Apply a second coat of Tejamont Top Cover after 24 hours, incorporating the fibreglass grid mesh and applying more Tejamont Top Cover until it is completely covered. Let it dry for 24 hours. Apply a third coat of Tejamont Top Cover. If you want excellent resistance to traffic, apply Barniz Poliuretano Elástico once it is dry.
Brick, matt fine tiles, asphalt cloth and polyurethane foam:
- Proceed as for cement mortar, with no need to apply Fijamont- Once the surface is repaired it is highly recommendable to always apply a first coat of Primer Impermeabilizante, to facilitate the incorporation of the fibreglass.
Soporte Nuevo:
Cement mortar: 1. Wait until completely set (minimum 30 days).
2. Clean the base to remove any residues, loose or foreign products. 3. Eliminate any potential efflorescence from the base with an abrasive jet and neutralise alkaline surfaces. Sand down highly polished surfaces to open up the mortar. Fill with Plasmont Fibra Elástico if required.
4. Before proceeding to prepare it, the base must be totally dry the hygrometer-measured humidity value must never be above 10%.
5. Apply Fijamont to all the cement mortar surface so that it does not come into contact with Tejamont Top Cover.
6. Anchor with Primer Impermeabilización for optimum adhesion of the System.
7. Apply Tejamont Top Cover and fibreglass grid according to the System section.
Asphalt shingles:
1. Verify adhesion and repair areas with poor adhesion. Carry out adhesion tests.
2. Treat mildewed surfaces with Montolimp.
Catalan tile or matt porous brick:
1. Idem for on cement mortar, with no need to apply Fijamont.
Polyurethane foam and asphalt cloth:
1. Verify adhesion and proceed as if it were Catalan tile or Porous brick.
2. Always treat mildewed surfaces with Montolimp.
Recommended minimum consumption: Three coats of 0.
50 l/m2. Include fibreglass grid on the second coat. Restauracion y Mantenimineto:
1. Completely remove any old, loose paint.
2. Glossy surfaces should be dulled down to ensure good adhesion.
3. For painted bases, check the solidity, adhesion and nature of the paint to avoid possible incompatibilities and remove any dust and dirt before repainting. Otherwise, remove up to the new base.
4. Before proceeding to prepare it, the base must be totally dry the hygrometer-measured humidity value must never be above 10%.
4. Apply Fijamont to all the cement mortar surface so that it does not come into contact with Tejamont Top Cover.
5. Treat any defects in the base with Plasmont Fibra Elástico.
6. Bases with mildew should first be treated with Montolimp.
7. To maintain surfaces that have already been waterproofed, we recommend two 0.
35 l/m2 coats.



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