Single-component dust-repellent, impregnating, and protective varnish. Transparent, glossy, with high resistance to scratching, rubbing, and abrasion. For direct use on concrete floors and to enhance the resistance of painted floors.

10 - 14 m²/L
Drying time
15-30 min
15L 4L


Supports with porosity
Well-anchored paints
Cement mortar
Exclusive use in facilities regulated by R.D. 117/2003 or Directive 2010/75/EC Chapter V for European Union countries.

How to apply?

Spray gun



Application tips:

  • Apply on well-dried surfaces.

  • Use as a primer, diluted to the maximum to allow for proper degassing of the substrate, especially on new surfaces.

  • The greater the number of coats, the stronger the varnish effect, providing better protection and resistance.

  • Maximum pavement moisture of 4%, measured at a depth of 2cm.

New Support:

New supports: Proper preparation of the pavement is essential.

Wait for it to fully set (minimum of 30 days). Remove any possible efflorescence.

The pavement must be properly prepared, and if necessary, leveled to achieve uniformity and perfect treatment.

The surface must be in optimal clean conditions (free from foreign materials) and completely dry. Greases and oils must be completely removed. Shot blasting or sandblasting the floor can solve dirt problems, although, in some cases, a chemical treatment may be sufficient, consisting of a 15-20% caustic soda solution, followed by neutralization with muriatic acid, and then rinsing with plenty of water. The pavement should have enough porosity to facilitate varnish penetration, ensuring perfect adhesion. The ideal method is mechanical treatment through shot blasting or sandblasting. For floors with moderate porosity, a chemical treatment with muriatic acid (diluted 15-30%) followed by thorough rinsing with water can be effective. In case of doubt, consult our Technical Department before using any treatment.

Restoration and Maintenance:

Restore and maintain by removing old, poorly-adhered or deteriorated paints using traditional methods of mechanical stripping (sandblasting or shot blasting) or chemical stripping (Universal Paint Remover).

Ensure that the adhesion between well-anchored old paints and the varnish is perfect and does not affect the adhesion of the old paints to the substrate.

Follow the standard procedure indicated for new surfaces.


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