Product ready to use in a single coat.Very simple application, it allows to obtain diverse effects and shades colored and stumped with white tones of Maxima elegance. Manual agitation. To color the right product before applying (once colored apro can be destabilized in one week.)
8 - 8 m²/L
Drying time
3 hours
2.5L 0.75L


  • Indoors
  • Plaster
  • Cement
  • Concrete
  • Only sheltered exterior use for solids colours

How to apply?

  • Roller
  • Flat brush


Base BL. Colour card High decoration nº 19
1. To search the support with FONDO MUROS MEDITERRANEOS.
Mix manually product with the dye at the time of use. In the case of having two different batches of the same product and color, it is recommended mix them together before utiliización to avoid differences in white floc size.
2. Once perfectly remove the chosen color, to apply with flat brush of crossed form and, uniformly , a coat of MUROS MEDITERRANEO ONE COAT. 3. Let it dry slightly so that it penetrates on the base and it acquires consistency.
4. To pass next a trowel of flexible plastic, exerting a uniform pressure, in same sense or different, until obtaining the wished effect. In this way we will break the heavy particles that not yet have been dried, with that we will obtain effects stumped in white tone. They will stand out and combine with the primer base colored already hardened.
Soporte Nuevo:
Mortar of cement and plaster:
1. Hope until forged total (30 days minimum in cement, not to exceed 20).
2. To clean the support of possible eflorescencias by means of abrasive spurt, as well as to neutralize the alkaline surfaces.
3. In excessively polished surfaces, to sandpaper to open the pore.
4. To fix the weak supports with suitable locking device (fijadora emulsion or fijamont).
5. To clean all strange product support and/or remainders.
6. Masillar with plaste the defects of the support (to see in family Putties the lines corresponding to plastes in dust and prepared putties to make a suitable election).
1. Wait for until he is well dry (max,20% humidity).
2. Eliminate of the support strange products and/or remainders.
3. Eliminate eflorescences.
- To regulate the absorptions of the surface by means of selladora primer or paste matt.
- In surfaces excessively polished to sandpaper to open the pore.
- Fix weak or supports by means of suitable fixing primer (To see family 6).
- Fill with plaste to eliminate the defects of the support - To deal with fungicida Montolimp the supports with mould.
When the support is in conditions, to cast anchor with L-500 coating. This primer is indicated by its sweating and texture to facilitate the last coat with MUROS MEDITERRANEO CAPRI.
-Wood: To prepare and to seal with Selladora Sellalux. Once dry to apply Montokril L-500 Restauracion y Mantenimineto:
1 - Eliminate totally old paintings in badly state or badly adhered.
2 -Shining surfaces must be clarified, to make sure a good adhesion.
3 - In the painted supports you must verify the solidity and anchorage of the painting, to diagnose his nature to avoid possible incompatibilities and to eliminate the dust and the dirt before being paint.
4 - Fill with putties the defects of the support.
5 - To deal with fungicida Montolimp the supports with mould


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